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Life Science consultants for your project
Welcome to our specialised platform of top-tier consultants, all experts who have worked with biotech and life science companies for many years. Our dynamic platform has been carefully crafted to simplify your journey through the world of consultancy. Take full advantage of the intuitive filters to fine-tune your search and discover the perfect consultant who aligns with your unique project needs. Once you've identified the ideal consultant, the next step is easy – simply select "Start Your Project." You'll be prompted to complete a form with essential project details, allowing us to get a clear picture of your requirements. After you've submitted the form, we'll reach out to propose suitable dates for a kick-off meeting between you and your chosen consultant.
SCICON: 1669
As an experienced HR Director, I became an HR Consultant in 2002, providing advice and consultancy support to a broad variety of clients across a diverse range of sectors in respect of employment issues. In 2007, I set up Employment Law in Action with my business partner. Employment Law in Action provides legal and HR support across a wide client base, including PLCs and SMEs. I head up the HR Consulting team and continue to play an integral role with my team in providing advice and support to clients in respect of employee relations, in developing and delivering training courses for HR teams and senior managers, and in the management and delivery of change programmes and restructuring projects. One of the sectors that I work closely with is Life Sciences. In addition, I am an accredited Mediator of employment disputes and have a master’s in employment law (LLM).